Consultation on Admission Arrangements 2026-27
The consultation period has now closed. In accordance with the consultation process this page will be updated by the end of February 2025.
The Governing Body invite your views on the consultation of our Admissions Policy 2026/27 and associated SIF. Further information on the proposed changes can be found in the documents below. The consultation period will commence on 20 October and finish on 2 December 2024. All views should be submitted to admissions@st-michaels.barnet. by the closing date
Update on Consultation
Thank you to everyone who has sent their views on the proposed changes to our admissions arrangements. We continue to welcome your views during this consultation. All views will be taken into consideration and discussed by the Governing Body after the consultation period has ended. In the meantime we would like to provide some further information on the reasons behind the proposed changes.
We were informed by the Diocese of Westminster that our current admission arrangements do not meet with their requirements and we should not give preference to children who have made their First Holy Communion.
Diocesan guidance says:
Governing bodies must not request certificates, references or other information from priests about sacraments other than baptism. In particular, information may not be requested relating to First Confession or First Holy Communion.
Following this guidance the Governing Body reviewed our admission arrangements and proposed the changes