Spiritual Life
Our school chaplain is Fr Jean Pascal
DIAME. Originally from Senegal, he
assists in Mary Immaculate and St
Peter& Parish in New Barnet (as well as
acting as our Chaplain).
In addition to leading our students in activities connected with their spirituality, liturgical
celebration and prayer; Fr Jean also plays a role in providing staff with opportunities to grow
in their faith.
Regular activities for the chaplaincy provision include:
- Mass - for the whole school, staff, Friday voluntary, Year 7 parents’, Year 11 and Year
13 celebration masses. - Other liturgies – such as Celebration of the Word or the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
- Holy Rosary, Stations of the Cross
- Our Sixth Form Catechists in local Primary Schools
- Sixth Form Eucharistic Ministers
- Sixth Form supporting younger students on retreats
- KS3 JPIC club
- Christian Film Club
- Meditation Club
- Retreats
● Lourdes Trip (Year 11 and Year 12)
Meditation Club
Meditation Club meets at lunchtime on Monday in the chapel.
This is a time for prayer and reflection in a calming and soothing environment. Students engage in a guided meditation that focusses on the presence of Jesus in their lives.
Christian Film Club
Christian Film Club meets at lunchtime on Thursday in the chapel.
At Christian Film Club students enjoy films that explore Christian themes such as hope, forgiveness, love, courage and justice. The group discuss the lessons that can be learnt from these films and reflect on how the storylines and characters link with gospel values.
Films that have recently featured include Wonder and Hairspray. Both of these thought provoking pieces laid the foundations for a post viewing discussion that was both meaningful and perceptive.
Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
The Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation group meets regularly to plan action and raise awareness of the need for unity, peace, dialogue and reconciliation.
Please see the most recent JPIC presentation inviting students to join the group and take part in the United Nations initiative marking the ‘International Day of the Girl’.
Please click on one of the links below:
Catholic Ethos
Every day starts with a prayer at registration for all pupils. Mass is held every Friday lunchtime in our beautiful Chapel attended by one of our link priests. Each class takes it in turn to prepare the liturgy. They read the readings, write their own bidding prayers and often play instruments to accompany the hymn. Holy Days of Obligation are marked with a whole school mass.
Retreats are an essential part of the opportunity we offer to our students. They reflect on their life and God's plan for them. They consider how special and unique they are and have an opportunity to experience different methods of prayer such as meditation. Year 9 visited St. Alban's Cathedral for their Retreat and gathered for mass in the Chapel.