Key Stage 3


The KS3 curriculum is designed to engage, challenge and inspire our gifted students.

The Catholic Ethos is at the heart of our curriculum and Religious Studies lessons are an opportunity for our pupils to explore, discuss and understand their own faith. All classes lead a Mass on Friday lunchtime and pupils take an active part in whole school, masses, contributing as altar servers, musicians and performers. The pupils learn about other world faiths both through their classroom experience and first hand by visiting other places of worship.

Our pupils have developed skills and show great passion towards the subjects of Maths and English and this is nurtured and developed at KS3. Lessons are challenging and fast paced and help pupils to progress to the next level. Science is a popular subject and the pupils enjoy the opportunity of taking part in practical experiments and seeing the concepts they are studying in their theory lessons. Pupils like to engage in these subjects during lunchtime clubs taking part in Science club and debate club and attending maths clinic to support their learning. Maths challenges are also an important part of the enrichment and enable them to work in teams and problem solve. Learning outside the classroom is also encouraged at KS3 with trips to the National History Museum and London Zoo.

History and Geography are an important part of the curriculum. Pupils study History in an interactive and engaging way in the classroom working in different ways to increase depth of knowledge and the skills needed to be a good historian. The rich historical opportunities available in London are utilised fully with history visits to the Tower of London and St Pauls Cathedral. Geography lessons explore physical and human geography and theoretical learning is enhanced by field trips so pupils can further develop their skills.

Languages are valued at St Michaels as an opportunity for our pupils to engage in our worldwide community. French is taught from Year 7 and pupils are also given taster lessons in Spanish and Italian so that they can continue with two modern foreign languages in Year 8 and 9. Latin is also studied in Year 8 and 9 as it develops our pupils understanding of the structure of languages as well as developing intellectual and analytical capabilities.

The Arts are celebrated at St Michael’s with lessons in Art, Drama and Music throughout KS3. Extra-curricular activities are popular with pupils taking part in orchestra, bands and choirs as well as being involved in combined Arts projects like the school musical. Performances are frequent in the school calendar in order to showcase the range of talent our pupils display and pupils are taken to the Theatre to enhance their own artistic development. The Art department extends our pupils understanding of different mediums of Art and developing their artistic talents. Our pupil’s cultural capital is increased by having workshops in school with professional artists and regular visits to art galleries. Dance skills are also developed both in PE lessons and through extra-curricular opportunities with dance groups competing regularly in dance competitions.

Our pupils excel at PE and the curriculum enables pupils to train and compete at the highest level. Pupils excel at inter school tournaments and progress to county and national championships in a variety of sports. Pupils also use the Sports Hall and Gym in extracurricular time to develop a healthy body and for relaxation to develop a healthy mind.

All pupils study Design and Technology and Food and Nutrition at KS3. The practical and creative aspects of Food and Nutrition inspire many of our students and an understanding of nutrition is an essential life skill. Design and Technology develops our pupils critical thinking and innovation skills as well as practical knowledge of construction and manufacturing processes that are transferable to a range of careers.

Computer Science is studied by all students at KS3 and provides them with transferable skills vital to other subjects and in their future careers. Creative opportunities using computer software are particularly popular with our pupils.

Cross curricular links are an essential part of the KS3 Curriculum, connections are made between different subject areas to help pupils make links between different subject areas. These connections are evident particularly in the Year 8 Cross Curricular Trip which all pupils attend and explores different subject areas during a four-day residential trip.

Underpinning all of these curriculum areas is our pastoral curriculum which helps develop resilience and life skills for our pupils. RSE and Citizenship lessons are taught by pastoral leaders and form tutors explore a range of subjects essential for pupils understanding, development, health and happiness.

The broad and balanced curriculum at KS3 acknowledges that all our pupils are individuals and is designed to give them every opportunity to fulfil their potential and become the person God wishes them to be.

List of Subjects Studied. In Year 7 the pupils follow a general course of study including:

  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • French
  • History
  • Geography
  • Integrated Science
  • Music
  • Art
  • P.E.
  • Drama
  • Design and Technology
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Education for Living with Citizenship
  • Pupils also follow a taster course in Spanish and Italian.

In Year 8 the curriculum is widened to include a second modern language (Italian or Spanish) and Latin – these subjects are then continued into Year 9.

What is our vision? What do we want students to gain?

Our school mission statement is to love one another as I have loved you. Ultimately, this underlies and influences everything that we do. As a department we are in a unique position as both an academic department, but also one where we seek to nurture faith and enable students to develop a sense of social justice and responsibility based on Gospel values.


What are the aims of RE at Key Stage 3 and beyond?

To foster and nurture students’ in their faith - to give them a secure understanding of it, and of its place in the world today.
To learn about Gospel values and to develop a sense of justice so that students can contribute to building a world in which people can live in harmony.
To have an understanding of Catholic Social Teaching - to appreciate its importance and relevance in today’s society and to understand our role and responsibility in building a fairer world.
To build academic curiosity, interest and respect for other religions and world views and to investigate how we can work together to help people find meaning and purpose in their lives.
To promote religious literacy through rigorous academic study in order that students will understand their faith and be able to articulate it confidently in relation to other perspectives.
To enjoy learning and for students to achieve their best!

R.E. Curriculum information

At Key Stage 3, students follow a programme guided by the Religious Education Curriculum Directory. Throughout years 7, 8 and 9 students have four teaching periods per week and lessons incorporate time for discussion, group work, ICT research and projects. From years 7 to 9 we aim to build up skills of understanding and evaluation in both oral and written work. 

In Year 7 students begin with an exploration of the history and founding of St. Michael’s and of its distinctive nature as a faith community. They then begin to explore God’s relationship with humanity, beginning with God’s revelation to prophets such as Abraham and Moses and working through to the fulfilment of God’s promises in the person of Jesus. Students in Year 7 also complete a study of the Sacraments of the Church and of the nature of the Church as the people of God. In each year at Key Stage 3 we also spend one topic studying a world faith. In year 7 we currently explore Hinduism and complement this with a trip to the Hindu temple in Watford.

In Year 8 students explore the importance of creation for Catholics and look at the interplay between Biblical and scientific understandings of creation. They then build on work done in Year 7 by looking at the idea of Covenant and of the progression of God’s Covenants with humanity which find fulfilment in the New Covenant brought through Jesus. Students in this year conduct an in-depth study of the Mass and then link this with an understanding of the meaning and significance of the key events in Holy Week. For Year 8 students, our world faiths topic is Sikhism, the most recent of the major world faiths.

At Year 9, students study topics in more depth. They begin with an exploration of Islam, both in terms of its beliefs and teachings and in terms of its place in the world today. This is complemented by a visit to North Finchley Mosque in the autumn term. They then study some ethics topics, specifically looking at the Catholic belief in the sanctity of life and at issues related to the dignity of the human person. Following this, they study world issues such as prejudice and discrimination and war and peace, in order that they may come to a clear understanding of Catholic perspectives on these issues as well as other societal and religious viewpoints. In the last term of Year 9, students begin to work on the GCSE syllabus by tackling the first component of the course which is a study of St. Mark’s Gospel.

The R.E. department works closely with the Chaplaincy to ensure that students have regular opportunities for spiritual development. During Advent and Lent, we have reconciliation liturgies in the chapel with Fr. Jean and other visiting priests from the Diocese. Each class will also have the opportunity to prepare and lead one of our Friday lunchtime Masses. In addition, we take each year group on a retreat day once a year to enable time for spiritual reflection. 

The curriculum at KS3 is partly dictated by the National Framework and teaching objectives are set to ensure that pupils build on their achievements from primary school. Pupils read a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, investigating key features of form, style, character and theme. The end-of-term assessments and summer examinations test their knowledge and understanding of literary and non-fiction texts, and their ability to write accurately and appropriately, matching style to purpose. The department’s overall aim is that by the end of the key stage, pupils will be fluent, perceptive and independent readers, confident and competent writers and effective speakers and listeners.

Students have three English lessons per week in addition to a library lesson in Year 7, where they are guided in their reading experience and encouraged to maintain a reading journal. Alongside this, the English Department hosts a range of age-appropriate literary excursions, including to Stratford-upon-Avon and The Globe Theatre. There are also a variety of extra-curricular clubs on offer, including Debate Club and KS3 Book Club to encourage students to develop their key skills outside of the classroom environment.

Year 7

History of the English Language; Autobiographical Writing (literary non-fiction); Narrative Poetry (Ballads); Modern Novel; Introduction to Shakespeare, Modern Drama.

Year 8

Modern Novel; Shakespeare Comedy Text; Critical Reviews (non-fiction); Classic Reads; Poetry through the Ages; Modern Drama.

Year 9

Modern Novel; Shakespeare Tragedy Text; Love Poetry through the Ages; Magazine Project (non-fiction); Modern Drama.

Year 7

Pupils extend their range of mental and written calculation strategies and learn to identify efficient procedures to calculate problems with integers, fractions, decimals, percentages and ratios. Algebra is introduced formally through activities that show how algebra, as an extension of number using symbols, gives precise form to mathematical relationships, formulae, sequences and calculations. Pupils discover properties of two and three-dimensional shapes, and use angle facts in calculations and constructions. They consolidate their knowledge on transforming shapes. In statistical work pupils construct and interpret graph and data in tabular and diagrammatic representations, understand the many forms of an “average” and how to calculate them as well as spread of data. In probability, they learn the difference between theoretical probability and experimental probability. Pupils tackle investigative work pupils by selecting and combining known facts and problem-solving strategies to reach solutions.

Year 8

Pupils build further upon their knowledge of number, measures, algebra, shape and data handling through Pupils build further upon their knowledge of number, measures, algebra, shape and data handling through activities that provide frequent opportunities for pupils to discuss their work, to develop reasoning and understanding, and to explain their strategies. Pupils learn to solve a range of numerical problems, in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts, including those involving fractions and percentage. They solve equations, use formulae and construct graphs. They use algebraic notation to describe patterns and sequences, including sequences of a quadratic nature Pupils calculate lengths, areas and volumes of two and three-dimensional shapes. In Year 8 pupils are introduced to Pythagoras’s Theorem, circle formulae for area and circumference, sample space diagram, enlargement, loci and scale drawing and bearing. In statistical work they increasingly use sophisticated diagrammatic representations and make more elegant inferences from data, examining possible correlations.

Year 9

To conclude Key Stage 3, our Year 9 pupils consolidate and advance the work on percentage, standard form, rate and ratio. Students learn to identify, create, use and adapt formulae and equations in a greater variety of contexts, plotting a variety of graphs, solving inequalities and simultaneous equations. In ‘Shape and Space’ pupils consolidate and extend their knowledge on volume, loci and study interior and exterior angles in n-sided polygons. They learn to prove congruency and solve problem related to similarities. They are also introduced to trigonometry to calculate side lengths and angles, extending this to real world applications including bearings. In statistical work they use appropriate diagrammatic representation as well as calculating averages and spread of data to make precise inferences. In probability, pupils learn about tree diagrams, set notations and Venn diagrams. Pupils also tackle extended problem-solving work; that has provided opportunities for pupils to develop reasoning and understanding, and to explain their strategies and solutions.

Year 7

Students in Year 7 will develop the fours skills of listening, writing, reading and speaking using simple but authentic language. A strong emphasis is put on the mastery of grammatical concepts, an essential aspect for building linguistic knowledge. Textbook used: Expo 1.

The main topic covered are: greetings, family, school, hobbies, place where you live.

avoir et être-full conjugaison
word order and adjective agreement
er verbs, possessive adjectives-full list
plurals of nouns, adverbs and frequency words, further adjective agreement
faire conjugation
intensifiers and connectives

Year 8

The progression of our students in Y8 is supported by the choice of a different book for Year 8 and Year 9: Tricolore 2 in Year 8 and Tricolore 3 in Y9.

Year 8 marks the consolidation of the present tense and the near future and the introduction of the perfect tense through engaging topics with great emphasis on the interactive use of language within authentic situations.

The main topic covered are: shopping in France, holiday projects, staying in a French family, traveling and discovering a Francophone city.

some, the partitive article
er verbs revision, regular ir and re verbs, introduction of common irregular ir (dire, lire, ecrire) and re verbs
(comprendre, apprendre, boire) to be reinforced through the year
expressions of quantity and negatives
verbs partir, venir
reinforcement of the future with aller, including negatives
use of the verb pouvoir and vouloir
Perfect tense with avoir, er, ir, re verbs
demonstrative adjectives (ce/ cette/ces)
perfect tense with être
il faut+ infinitive

Year 9

Pupils continue to develop the fours skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Students are encouraged to use at least three different tenses in Speaking and Writing. At the end of Year 9, our students will have mastered the key grammatical and linguistic skills and content for them to embrace confidently the study of French at GCSE.

The main topics are: discovering Paris, you before and now, visiting a theme park, discovering Quebec. Textbook used: Tricolore 3

gender, infinite/definite article,
avoir et être-full conjugaison
word order and adjective agreement
introduction to the imperfect- use of perfect and imperfect together
use of comparatives ans superlatives-
Reinforcement perfect tense with avoir and etre
use of 4 different tenses
conditional tense
perfect tense with avoir and etre (including reflexives)

Pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 study History for 2 lessons a week. The Y7 syllabus covers Medieval England from 1066 to 1485 and The Islamic World from Muhammad to the Crusades. The Y8 syllabus covers Tudor and Stuart England, the French Revolution and an outline of Chinese History. The Y9 syllabus covers the Industrial Revolution and its impact, The Great War and World War Two and Britain and the World since 1945. Each year group goes on a History trip. Recent trips have included the Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral and The London Transport Museum. Pupils are set written homework once every three weeks. Pupils complete graded tests to accustom them to GCSE style work. There is an end of year exam for each year group. Each year about 60 go on to study GCSE History.

Geography at Key Stage 3 contributes to a broad and balanced curriculum which meets the needs of all pupils. We aim to give pupils the opportunity to study a wide range of topics throughout Key Stage 3 in the hope of fostering a passion and interest for geography and the world around them. Alongside this, pupils will develop a range of transferable skills that can be used in other areas of the curriculum.

The year 7 curriculum focus on introducing pupils to geography through topics like farming, weather and climate, coastal process and landforms and map skills. Year 7 take part in a weather investigation whereby pupils are introduced to fieldwork through a variety of sampling techniques. They will be required to produce a report with their findings. Holyfield farm is visited in the spring term to look at the inputs and outputs of a farm system.

Year 8 pupils will study ecosystems and management issues within the tropical rain forest and other biomes. Pupils will be introduced to the key issues surrounding population and migration. Rivers and flooding is taught in the classroom and pupils develop their fieldwork skills through a visit to Dollis Brook – a local river. They will conduct a study to investigate river processes and landforms. Reports will be produced encouraging pupils to analyse and evaluate their findings.

In year 9 the girls study plate tectonics and hazard management, characteristics of development and trade, energy production and its effect on the environment and settlement patterns. Pupils will visit the Natural History Museum as part of their tectonic unit. In order to prepare for the demands of GCSE pupils will also undertake a local area housing investigation. The aim of the study is to introduce and develop the necessary skills required for GCSE.

At St. Michael’s Science is taught by two teachers for each class; each delivering a range of topics from amongst the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Exploring concepts about how the world around us works, engaging in practical investigations, and interpreting data are the bread & butter of this subject.

After each topic in science the students will receive a test to assess how they’ve progressed, and within the topic regular feedback is given via homework and classwork assignments.

During the course students will be taken on various trips to locations to boost their appreciation and interest in science. Previous trips have included London Zoo, Kew Gardens & Greenwich Royal Observatory.

At the start of the academic year, each student is loaned a textbook which contains all the topics that will be covered that year.

Key topics include:

Year 7

  • Acids & Alkalis
  • Elements & compounds
  • Cells
  • Forces
  • Reproduction
  • Eating & Drinking

Year 8

  • Chemical reactions
  • Electricity
  • Magnetism
  • Plants & photosynthesis
  • Respiration

Year 9

  • Health & Disease
  • Gravity & space
  • Extracting useful materials
  • Variation & survival
  • Using chemistry
  • Light

We currently begin the GCSE curriculum in the second half of year 9, in order to ease pressure on them in years 10-11.

The aim of Music at Key Stage 3 is to develop a love of music by exposing students to a range of musical styles and encouraging them to develop skills on different instruments. Lessons are practical and creative, with students listening to music, performing and composing. There are frequent opportunities for students to perform to the class, and to work in pairs and groups. There are also many extra-curricular opportunities on offer to Key Stage 3 students, including Junior Choir, Sinfonia, Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble and Flute Ensemble. Students are encouraged to use their instruments in lessons, and also to perform in Chamber Concerts, ensemble concerts, musicals, liturgies, assemblies and on overseas tours. Many students learn an instrument (or two!) at school, with weekly lessons.

Our curriculum is organised into half-termly projects. Students in Year 7 and 8 have one 45-minute lesson a week, and Year 9 have a double lesson every fortnight. We regularly review the curriculum to ensure that it is engaging and that students develop a broad range of skills. The current curriculum is below.

Year 7

A Cappella Mash-ups, Keyboard Skills & Musicianship, Soundscape Composition, Introduction to GarageBand

Year 8

The Blues, Keyboard Skills & Musicianship, Ukuleles, Samba, A Cappella Vocal Arrangement, Cover Songs

Year 9

Ukuleles, Songwriting, Variations Composition, Film Music (GarageBand), Cover Songs

Year 7

Over the year all girls have worked individually and as part of a group developing painting, drawing, textiles, sculptures and using ICT as a research tool, linked to the themes of ‘Self Identity’, ‘Mother and Child’ and the ‘Moving Figure’.

Year 8

The girls have developed 3D construction techniques linked to the theme of ‘Shelters’, allowing them also to explore their drawing skills further and printmaking.

Year 9

The girls have completed the ‘End of Key Stage’ project . This was inspired by ‘Urban Landscape’ and a workshop led by a professional artist, extending skills in painting, mono printing and supporting studies. They have all undertaken clay and textiles.

Key Stage 3 pupils will experience a broad and balanced Physical Education curriculum. Emphasis is placed on both skill development and enjoyment during their lessons, with an ambition to promote a healthy and active lifestyle.

Aims - Achievement for All

  1. To increase knowledge and promote positive attitudes to health and fitness.
  2. To develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
  3. To be physically active for sustained periods of time.
  4. To engage in competitive sports and activities.

The KS3 curriculum offers a comprehensive range of experiences to meet the needs of the students, is designed to inspire all pupils, allowing them to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities.

Pupils develop physical competencies' in a way that also supports their health and fitness.

This experience is complemented and extended through a significant extra-curricular programme designed to allow further development of skills in both competitive and non-competitive environments.

The development of confidence, tolerance, resilience and the appreciation of one’s own and others’ strengths and weaknesses are considered to be an important part of the learning process where personalising learning and challenge are integral to success and embed values such as fairness and respect.

Year 7

In year 7 pupils develop their speaking and listening skills and build confidence in performing in front of others. Pupils develop teamwork and communication skills by performing with their peers and giving constructive criticism. They develop acting skills and directorial skills in both naturalistic and more exaggerated performance styles. There is a different theme for each half term and ideas are explored from different social, cultural and historical contexts. They complete written evaluations of performances and written tasks that develop more depth in characterisation.

Year 8

In year 8 pupils develop more depth to their characterisation and extend their understanding of different styles of theatre. They develop their understanding of different types of script and also devise performances based on stimuli. Pupils are more independent and take the lead as directors creating an original piece of Theatre. They complete a written reflection on the process of devising their piece and evaluate the success of both their group and individual performance. The theories of Stanislavski are studied to develop their naturalistic characterisation and pupils develop their control and physical skills through the study of Silent Movies.

Year 9

In year 9 pupils study a play text from the perspective of an actor and director. They study the characters in the play text in detail, take part in a character workshop and perform a comedy duologue. They explore more complex stimuli from a variety of different social, cultural and historical contexts. To expand on their understanding of the theatre practitioner Stanislavski they also look at the contrasting work of Brecht, Berkoff and Artaud. They devise an original piece of theatre with scenes inspired by the different theatre practitioners we have studied. We study in more depth the role of the director by looking at scenes from Romeo and Juliet and consider how to develop a directorial concept.

Our aim is to develop strong practical and creative design skills, enabling pupils to realise their own products and inventions.

The emphasis is on developing problem solving skills, backed up through theoretical knowledge and with an innovative approach.

Pupils are encouraged to consider other cultures and a variety of needs, not just their own. They use a diverse range of communication methods, and are able to realise their concepts through CAD/CAM, alongside working with a wide range of other tools and equipment, processes and materials.

From Years 7-9 pupils have half a year of Design and Technology, and half a year of Food and Nutrition.

Year 7

Pupils work through a series of “design and make” projects to develop skills in CAD/CAM, using core materials such as wood, metal, plastic, paper and card. They focus on designing and problem solving, taking their first steps in the design process.

Year 8

Pupils work with increasingly complex materials and processes. They start to look at a diverse range of cultures, and the significance of jewellery within them. They go on to cast their own pieces of jewellery and manufacture a display piece in the style they have selected.

Year 9

There are two modules designed to extend skills and develop confidence. Both are good preparation for those pupils who choose GCSE Design and Technology, allowing students a taste of what the course will include.

Module One: The pupils continue to build on skills gained from prior learning. This results in more sophisticated design, and ultimately the realisation of a bespoke product. At this stage there is definite focus on them selecting a culture/artist/textile/designer as inspiration. There are clear iterative design steps towards independent problem solving and a focus on a quality outcome.

Module Two: The challenge increases through looking at clarity of communication, alongside originality of concept. The pupils really hone their CAD skills relating them to the ever growing industry of Communication and Graphics. A range of mini graphics based products, suitable for distribution across the global market place, are designed and produced.

In Food and Nutrition, pupils will develop practical cooking skills, along with an understanding of nutrition, healthy eating, the link between food and health, properties of ingredients and recipe adaptation. They will learn to prepare and cook a range of predominately savoury dishes gaining confidence and independence each year.

From Years 7-9 pupils have half a year of Design and Technology, and half a year of Food and Nutrition.

Year 7

A range of topics will be covered: health and safety; basic nutrition; healthy eating; dietary guidelines, including the ‘Eatwell Guide’; introduction to practical cookery skills; food from other cultures; use of a range of kitchen equipment. The emphasis is on developing and embedding basic practical skills.

Year 8

Topics include: healthy eating including the 8 tips and dietary goals, and the nutritional requirements of different groups of people. Practical work is linked to the healthy eating message, encouraging students to make small changes to their diets in the hope of reducing the long-term risk of diet related illness.

The much loved ‘Eating Out’ project encourages creativity, use of design skills and is an opportunity for extending practical and presentation skills. Pupils identify a gap in the market and devise an ‘Eating Out’ place that will fill that gap. A basic understanding of market research and the food and hospitality industry is built into the project.

Year 9

This course consolidates and extends practical skills, ensuring that all pupils are confident in making a repertoire of dishes. For those choosing the subject at GCSE, there is a taste of what the course will include. The emphasis is on food from around the world, beginning with traditional British dishes. Pupils then focus on modern healthy Italian cuisine, before researching their home food culture and making a typical dish. This year the work is primarily practical but also includes research, demonstrations, group tasks, product evaluation, nutritional analysis and an assessed task.

More food science is introduced in Y9 to encourage an understanding of the chemical and functional properties of ingredients.

Pupils finish with some competitive challenges: designing, making and taste-testing pasta sauces and the mini-quiche ‘bake-off’.

In year 8 the pupils will cover all the core vocabulary and topics: numbers, dates, weather, school, family, personal details, greetings, classroom language and subjects, the house, free time and fashion. To help them to build more complex language the grammar introduced in year 8 will include: all present tense -are, -ere and- ire verbs, some common irregular verbs, articles, articulated prepositions, gender, adjectives and possessives. Cultural aspects such as differences in the Italian cuisine of the North and South, the importance of some cultural festivals such as "la sagra delle castagne", and Italian Christmas carols are also studied, to name a few, in line with the new GCSE syllabus where cultural elements have been given more importance. Also to prepare the students for the more challenging GCSE literary texts, some original sources are also already introduced in Year 8, such as poems by Gianni Rodari and others.

Year 9 occasionally refer to the textbook Amici; this year of study aims to expand on the core grammar and vocabulary covered in year 8, but also on preparing the students for the specific exam skills of the new GCSE syllabus (eg.translation). The topics covered include: family and relationships, free time and sports, jobs and future plans, tv programs and films, parts of the body, health and fitness, transport and holidays. Grammar is reinforced and developed; - are verbs, -ere verbs, -ire verbs, more irregular verbs, perfect tense, expressions with avere, impersonal “si”, reflexive verbs, future tense, direct object pronouns. The aim of the study in year 9 Italian is to introduce and develop the necessary skills required for GCSE by extending their writing and speaking skills as well as decoding longer reading and listening texts; we continue to study cultural elements, for example we look at important Italian athletes within the module of sport and healthy lifestyle and each girl completes a personal project on a favourite athlete. Exam skills such as translation are practised on a regular basis and literary texts in the form of poems and short extracts are also looked at.

Year 8

Course Book: MIRA!,Book 1, . The pupils have covered: Topics: Greetings, personal information and descriptions, nationalities, family, people, pets, jobs, numbers, calendar, weather, time, school, classroom language, your town/area, your house/flat, pastimes, colours, directions, food and drink, geography of Spain through the four skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. Grammar: Spanish alphabet, articles (def. and indef.), gender, singular and plural of nouns and adjectives, adjectival agreement, subject pronouns, “Usted” and “Ustedes” (Formal YOU, sing. and pl.), present tense of regular and some common irregular verbs: TENER, GUSTAR (to like), SER and ESTAR (both meaning “to be”), reflexive verbs (LLAMARSE=to be called) and pronouns, HAY=there is/there are, Lo bueno/Lo malo=the good/the bad thing, contracted prepositions: a + el=al; de = el=del.

Year 9

Course Book: MIRA! 2: Extension of topic based vocabulary (YR 8)and introductions of more complex grammar. Topics covered: the human body, sickness, remedies, clothes, sports and free time, meals, daily routine, holidays (past and future), means of transport, travels, future plans, “fiestas”, the world around us, opinions. Grammar: a/some; adjectival agreement; demonstrative adjectives; radical changing verbs, DOLER (to hurt), JUGAR (to play), GUSTAR (to like); reflexive verbs; gerund of regular verbs, near or immediate future (present of IR + a + infinitive), preterite of regular and irregular verbs, idiomatic use of the verb TENER (to have) + TENER QUE+INF (To have to do= obligation), reflexive verbs, ordinal numbers, expression of time; comparisons, superlatives, frequency phrases.

All pupils start the study of Latin in Year 8 and the subject is compulsory until the end of Year 9.

In Year 8 two lessons are taught per week in form classes. The key elements of the language and translation are taught together in Roman life and culture, including topics such as the Forum, Food and Drink, Slavery, Gladiators and the Romans in Britain. The main course book is the ever popular Cambridge Latin Course: in Year 8 we cover Stages 1 through to 12 (the whole of Book 1). Lessons are enriched with additional exercises and activities and drama is often used in the classroom to bring texts to life. There is a project in the spring term of Year 8 where pupils research life in the town of Pompeii and the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79.

In Year 9 pupils have two lessons per week in smaller mixed-form classes of approximately 24 pupils. The lessons focus mainly on language in order to cover the necessary content in preparation for those who wish to study at GCSE (see below). The cultural focus is the city of Alexandria in Egypt, established by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC. We use the city as a starting point to explore the impact and influence of Greek civilization, then moving on to life in the city under Roman rule in the 1st century BC after the death of Cleopatra. We also introduce the Greek alphabet and some basic vocabulary in ancient Greek. Again pupils have the opportunity to study in depth this fascinating and cosmopolitan city, looking at its architecture, its history and religions and its role as a centre of learning and science in the Ancient World. Pupils produce a project on the city in the spring term.

(This is a summary – see an overview of the entire PSHE Curriculum elsewhere on the website).

Year 7

Citizenship - lessons have been taught on: the School Council (Pupil Voice); the role of central and local government; economic implications of the global community; an introduction to personal finance and business; responsibility within the school community; communication skills.

Education for Living - lessons have included personal hygiene, puberty and reproduction.

In Tutorial, pupils have followed the Induction programme incorporating lessons on emotional literacy and they have participated in team building activities. In addition topics including bullying, friendship and personal safety have been covered.

Year 8

Citizenship - skills of enquiry, communication, participation and need for responsible action have been developed to a higher level.

Education for Living - pupils studied dental health and drugs education. In Tutorial, pupils have considered a broad range of topics including rules, rights and responsibilities, crime and consequences, choices facing consumers, types of business and environmental issues.

Year 9

Citizenship - pupils have learned about the criminal justice system and how it relates to young people.

Education for Living – she has learned more about human reproduction with the emphasis on responsible parenthood and relationships.

In Tutorial pupils have considered topics relating to choices and decisions including options for their future. They have heard a range of outside speakers talk about their working experiences and responsibilities. In addition, the effects of all types of stereotyping, racism, discrimination and developing knowledge of personal strengths have been taught.

Love one another, as I have loved you