Key Stage 5

In the Sixth Form, the normal course of study is three subjects, although students studying Further Maths will study four subjects at A Level.  The following subjects are taught to Advanced Level:  RS, English, History, Geography, Economics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Art, Italian, French, Spanish, Psychology, and Politics each year according to need and staff availability.  Students are also prepared for the Oxford and Cambridge and other University subject examinations.  All students in the sixth form follow a Religious Education course.  In Year 12 the students follow a structured Extension programme which includes; study skills, First Aid and Yoga.  European Work Experience and Community Service are also arranged for Years 12 and 13.

The school is very well equipped with an up-to-date Maths/I.C.T. suite, including seven Science Laboratories, three Technology Laboratories,  Computer Suites, a Language Laboratory, a Library, a Music Suite, a Sports Hall, a large Hall well equipped for  Drama, Art and Craft Rooms and other practical rooms.  There is a fully equipped Sixth Form Centre resourced with full Information Technology access.

If you are interested in joining St Michaels please see the Sixth Form Section of the website and view our virtual open evening 
For greater detail on our curriculum please follow the link to our Sixth Form Information Booklet below:

Sixth Form Information Booklet

Love one another, as I have loved you