Independent School Bus


Harrow to St. Michael’s School Bus Service Harrow area school bus is organised by Mrs Ravikumar who is a parent helping parents to get their children to school. The bus service is operated by Harrow Community Transport (Harrow CT), a registered charity. The bus starts out at Harrow community Transport Office, 64 Pinner Rd, Harrow and the next stop is Harrow on the Hill station (Lansdowne Rd). The bus goes through Kenton Rd, Kenton Lane and then down to Taunton Way, on to Camrose Avenue, Deansbrook Rd and exits right on to Bunns Lane. The bus continues on to Page Street, Pursley Rd and to Devonshire Rd then exits onto Frith Lane, Argyle Rd before arriving on Nether Street and St. Michael’s. The bus waits in the school car park at 3.45pm for the return journey.

If you like to find out more please contact Mrs. Ravikumar on 07805 809127.

Love one another, as I have loved you