
‘Super-curricular’ is a phrase used to cover the learning that happens in a sixth form that goes beyond the curriculum and A-Level specifications.

At St. Michael’s, we encourage every sixth former to fully engage in a range of super-curricular activities, including:

  • Extra reading, including academic works and journals (suggestions are available from teachers)
  • Attendance at university lectures and taster courses
  • Online lecture courses 
  • Visiting museums and galleries
  • Listening to academic podcasts
  • Entering academic competitions


The super-curriculum ensures that students develop their “ability to think critically and independently, to argue logically while keeping an open mind to new ideas…[and to develop] a genuine passion and enthusiasm for their subject.” (University of Cambridge)

A very useful resources for super-curricular activities from the University of Cambridge


Year 12 Lecture Series

Each Year 12 student will attend at least three super-curricular lectures given by a teacher. Teachers at St. Michael’s are outstanding subject specialists and experts in their fields: they thoroughly enjoy sharing their expertise with students, and, in turn, students relish the opportunity to learn more.

Lectures in 2024/25 include:

‘Can you know that you are not living in a computer simulation? Brains in vats and other puzzles in epistemology?' - Mr M. Boniecki, Head of R.E.

'The role of sports psychology in performance: Winning the mental game' - Mrs M. Gerakaki, P.E.

‘Unmasking Autism: The untold stories of autistic women’ – Ms O. McKibbin, Deputy Head of Maths

'The History of Theatre' - Mrs K. Heron, Assistant Headteacher

'Archaeo-Geophysics: Hunting for buried treasure with the British Museum' - Mrs J. Moutell, Physics

'The Hebrew alphabet: Letters, history, vowel structure and its relationship to other modern alphabets' - Mrs R. Kosmin, English

'Exoplanets' - Mr M. Stimpson, Headteacher

We are also delighted to welcome three guest lecturers this academic year:

Mr Henry Zeffman, Chief Political Correspondent, BBC

Prof Paul Kosmin, Professor of Ancient History, Harvard University

Prof Edith Hall, Professor of Classics and Ancient History, University of Durham

Year 10 Lecture Series

Year 12 students also undertake their own academic research programme and deliver a series of lectures to Year 10 students.

Love one another, as I have loved you